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the four laws of thermodynamics


This science is concerned with flow of energy via heat and work. It quantifies that flow, and helps the engineer design systems that would accomplish a desired goal. The most common goal is the exertion of work at the expense of heat. In fact, the roots of thermodynamics, as they were developed in the 19th century were concerned with steam engines and other cycles where heat and chemical energy (internal energy) is transformed into useful work.

This science is anchored in four laws of nature:

  • 0. The zero law
  • 1. The first law
  • 2. The second law
  • 3. The third law

  • The zero law characterizes the notion of temperature; the first law is the law of conservation of energy; the second law is the law of the natural direction of processes, and the third law states that perfect crystals at the absolute zero temperature have zero entropy.

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